Dance is LOVED. DANCE IS HER LIFE. JUST NORMAL GIRL. she loves someone. @Facebook
title: Let's see what happened today..
went to school as usual...boring. During SS today, Mrs Tee said that she was one gear1 i think, then we are on gear5, the super high mode. She said that she was marking our SS paper last night and she did 3e7 oral ytd. She kept hearing our oral conversation in her mind LOL. "He looked shocked. Khatija...." LOL. hAHAHA. she's really funny. No wonder i love her as my SS and geog teacher. SHE ROCKS MAN! LOL. Then during POA today, Mr Wong said that POA tutorial was cancelled cause he has to go for medical check up cause his back got problem, so the whole class went " Yes !!! " and some " NOO!!!" No, cause got no aircon. LOL. Then gates said that we want him LOL. Then he say at most get new POA teacher, then the whole class went like , " NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! WE WANT U!!!!!" hahahaha. that was so cool. LOL. Ok tomorrow got A math Ct3, confirm fail de. sian. POA failed , Physics i didnt get the marks i expected. damn. only 21/35 lor! FREAK MAN! haix. sadist. got to go study a math le byebye |