Dance is LOVED. DANCE IS HER LIFE. JUST NORMAL GIRL. she loves someone. @Facebook
title: unhappy christmas '09 went to orchard with my parents just now. omg. so packed . luckily didnt get down the car. and i dont whether its my issue or my parents issue. its either i fucking having moodswings, or they are having moodswings. i dont even know why i m pissedat them or their little actions. RUIN CHRISTMAS this year. freaking ruin. unhappy chirstmas this year. beginning to hate christmas. i'm sorry if i offended anyone who loves christmas, but yea, i m beginning to hate it. sorry.
and some bloody fucking person starts to imitate me saying this: "0nC3 a bA$tArD, ALWAYS a bA$tArD". FOR HELL'S SAKE MAN. I DONT EVEN TYPE LIKE THAT. thus, TO THAT FUCKING PERSON WHO WANTS TO IMITATE ME AND HURT OTHERS: IF U WANT TO DISTURB, GO DISTURB PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN KIND. DONT COME AND POLLUTE MY TAGBOX. IF U HAVE ONE, GO POLLUTE UR OWN MAN. SERIOUSLY. YOU'VE GOT NO LIFE. REALLY NO LIFE. CALL PEOPLE BUSTARD, POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK. to zongyuan: just shut up would u? its obviously not me right. to neville: just ignore that bustard. that person doesnt deserve any attention at all. |