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title: ahhh. screwed my papers all up. PHYSICS AND EMATH. freaking screwed it up. like freak the sciences and maths man! ahahhh!. I'M GOING CRAZY SOON! hhahhaha. argh. irritated. what's wrong with me man! argh. after sch today, played piano in the hall with morgan.xuefen.ernald.keegan.gates.marcus. keegan wanted to go play ! hahahaha, LOLS. then went to west coast plaza for lunch with xuefen.ernald.samuel.marcus.keegan.gates.then weyhau came later. ate alr. then bus-ed to clementi with gates.marcus.neville- so happen to meet him at the bus stop. then came home. so home i m now, emo-ing over the damn papers. FREAK THEM! SCREW THE DAMN PAPERS!!!!! |